The fuck is going on with that bloke in the bottom
Hi there!
The fuck is going on with that bloke in the bottom
It’s mostly just reduced tomato, onion, smoked paprika and a few other things, with some eggs poached in it at the end and maybe some feta and fresh coriander sprinkled on top, super simple easy dish, go for it!
Funny lookin biscuits m8, certainly not digestives xD
Love me some shakshuka, good man yourself!
Boost, it was the perfect Reddit client for me and now it’s the perfect Lemmy client, I didn’t have to sacrifice any aspect of the experience.
God I love you, Boost my beloved 😍
I’m on Android. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I give Steve Jobs a penny.
Religious hospitals? What will they think of next!
At least in countries that charge patients money for their healthcare, these religious hospitals are free, right? Given how much money Christianity makes in donations, and given that their whole religion is all about helping others for nothing in return and without judgement, it would make sense they’d run free hospitals providing healthcare for all, no matter their situation ♥️
Of course it’s not chicken pox, we know measles well, we’ve vaccinated our kids against it at school for longer than I can remember.
It’s one of those extremely rare, easy to prevent illnesses we’ve almost gotten rid of for good :-D