Thanks for posting this. That link was so JPEG’d out…
Thanks for posting this. That link was so JPEG’d out…
Lesson learned, you fucking cucks. Trump doesn’t give a fuck about you or academia.
Looks good. You have liner on one eye and not on the other, which is the only thing that I really saw.
Your proportions, expression, colors, composition, etc., are great.****
They’re like cockroaches: when you find one, there are 1000 more hiding in the walls.
That is correct and I agree. They are, however, trying to buck the system. They’re also free unless you choose to donate.
Edit, since I’m getting downvoted: https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360052977792-Group-Calling-Voice-or-Video
Just stop.
Great. Someone once asked me what I’d do with a million bucks. My response was, of course, “two chicks at the same time.”
Edit: Folks… it’s a quote from the movie “Office Space.” Chill.
Yeah, but again, the USA is 18 times the size of France. Coordinate burning shit on that scale.
I’m theoretically amenable. I am also realistic.
I have zero debt. I pay for shit in cash or don’t buy things I cannot afford. 6 years ago I built a tiny home off grid on a plot of land outside of the city. I don’t have mainstream socials: I quit them in 2018. Need I go on?
You’re suggesting average people just “pay off their debts” as if that’s a viable path for someone living paycheck to paycheck. We’re largely struggling here.
The top 0.1% have 50% of the wealth in this country. The top 1% have 90%. Work that out, guy.
None of what you suggested will stop Trump. Nothing you suggested will change his actions. He’s entrenching himself as dictator.
Great. I’ve seen this silly headline posted 20 times. He’s had nothing to do with James Bond before, right? It’s like me declaring that I won’t play guitar for Chappel Roan at the next Superbowl halftime show.
Ouch. You hit me right in the brown party liquor.
Who the fuck is Osgood Perkins?
What the actual fuck do you think we can do? Do you have any concept of how large and disconnected the United States actually is?
We don’t have a unified banner to fight under. Most of us reasonable people are not armed. Even if we were, most of us are untrained.
Protests do nothing to this guy. Boycotts don’t do shit. Burning things doesn’t help. So what, pray tell, in your infinite wisdom, should we do?
Means I didn’t start a decade ago.
I sold my entire portfolio yesterday while I was still at 2% above my lifetime gains. It may come back again one day, but I’ve already eaten my hat once for this cock-wrinkle, I’m not going to go under again. I’ll reinvest in something more durable.
Why does everyone forget about the Steele Dossier and the Muller Report? How fucking dense are we collectively that we cannot see this clearly?
I’m so exhausted by all of this.
Yes. I acknowledged that. In also said that at least they’re trying to buck the system and are free.
You’re not going to get better encryption or privacy than signal with as wide a reach.