Here’s a convenient list of affordable cities in the US.
Here’s a convenient list of affordable cities in the US.
Even if it was a quarter million bucks, it would quickly pay itself off. Keeping a taxi car available and operating 24/7 is a big deal for operational costs. $25/hour on a $250k device is a recovered in just over a year. It’s all profit after that.
They’re definitely keeping all the old comments, even if you “delete” them. What an edit is doing is making a new version of a comment. While this seems strange, it’s literally easier to do on a technical level and provides a layer of safety if there’s a bug in the code (allows recovery to previous data).
Honestly, this seems like a good move from Reddit. If they believe they’re removing a bad actor by a ban, then of course they’re going to prevent a bad actor from interacting on their stuff. Allowing edits post-ban for abuse is not a good outcome.
Don’t like it? Angry at Reddit? Leave and never interact with them again. Pulling that bandage off will sting but you’ll be better off for it.