The push back against AI is mostly that it’s not quite good enough to be unrecognizable. Once you can’t tell the difference between human and AI work, the majority of the complaints will go away.
The push back against AI is mostly that it’s not quite good enough to be unrecognizable. Once you can’t tell the difference between human and AI work, the majority of the complaints will go away.
I’m sure they did. I doubt they had enough time to make the correct changes since the launch cadence is too high.
The reality of it is that men are expendable, from a population standpoint. Birth rates are far more limited by the number of women than the number of men, since pregnancy and gestation takes so long.
Obviously this is over reductive, but it’s one way to approach the question.
I don’t think he’s terribly involved at SpaceX these days. Other than causing schedule pressure… which certainly may have caused this failure by not giving the engineers proper time to research and fix the issue from the previous launch.
Surely shutting down failed engines is part of the fire suppression plan, no?
“The cause remains unclear” lmao
As if everyone on the livestream couldn’t see the fire in the engine bay, the exact problem that blew up the last rocket too.
Obviously the fire suppression failed again and it caused an energetic failure in one or more engines, flinging Starship into a rapid spin. It held on for, I dunno, 30 seconds to a minute, until they sent the kill command.
Ugh, I don’t actually hate the hardware rich testing strategy SpaceX uses, but you’re supposed to learn from your failures before launching the next rocket.
This looked like almost exactly the same issue - fire in the skirt area that catastrophically destroyed the engines.
There are lots of things to physically fight back over, but video games ain’t one of them.
Ew, swapping out real sugar for high fructose corn syrup.
Yeah, because that would set a precedent for holding people accountable. Even those who internally oppose Trump don’t want to relinquish their free pass on illegal and unethical activities.
In the US it’s by serving size, which is a non-consistent unit of measurement. They are supposed to say how many mL one serving is, however. But that leaves you to do all the math yourself.
numbers that nobody has ever seen before
Like eleventeen, thirty-twelve, and all those.
Trust me, they aren’t. But neither are the Americans.
That’s easy. Constitutionally, you can’t be President longer than 2 terms. Wartime emergency powers can stop elections, cementing power permanently.
I think we have more class than the death penalty. Life imprisonment is perfectly fine for traitors.
We’ve blown past gallows humor and have now arrived at guillotine humor.
Elon has always been a terrible person, but he was once focused on things that society actually needed, like electrifying transportation to avoid climate collapse.
He seems to have gone sharply downhill into total insanity by taking ketamine while locking himself in a rightwing echo chamber. It’s the perfect storm of dissociating from reality.
Yes, but that’s not what they were saying. Self-educated people might be just as smart as people with a formal education (possibly smarter even), but that does little good if you can’t get a job without the official credentials.
I dig the meme, but not the fact it’s AI generated.
Should be easy to verify those sales if they are legitimate.