The pivot charts and tables drive me kinda nuts. Typically I have a dataset I’ve prepared in python and find pivot tables faster and easier than matplotlib. In excel I make a Data tab and connect it to an external CSV, then in another tab pick my filters, columns and rows, and then chart type. Then I iterate - run the Python again to make a new CSV and just press refresh in excel and I get updated visualisations. This workflow just doesnt work for me in Libre Office. Can’t figure out how to live link CSVs. Pivot tables are OK but oubot charts are not a thing - have to manually point them at a dataset and there’s no nice panel to choose columns and rows.
I dunno, maybe it’s just I gotta learn a different way but honestly just easier to use a windows VM for this stuff.
Gladiator (that battle tune is timeless) Gone in 60 seconds Human Traffic Snatch & Lock Stock Guardians of the Galaxy I am Sam Magnolia
All make regular appearances.
Hotline Miami, Doom and Sim City are game OSTs that also get a lot of play time. Honourable mentions for Dark Reign, Spirit Farer and This War of Mine