it was really useful but in typical apple fashion the defaults were pretty simplistic… if you customised it by installing things like better touch bar and spent time integrating it with your workflow, it was great
but also, i don’t miss it much
it was really useful but in typical apple fashion the defaults were pretty simplistic… if you customised it by installing things like better touch bar and spent time integrating it with your workflow, it was great
but also, i don’t miss it much
it was great if you really leant into it and installed custom stuff like better touch bar… but apple never really did a lot with it: it could have been really cool, but it never got the attention it needed
i mean, we hunt them with guns now so i’m not sure a pointy stick will change their point of view :p
coming from australia, this is super real… we have such a unique set of animals and plants that it’s all just so normal to us, but then you travel overseas and everything is like what you see on tv and in movies
i’m mid 30s, and last year i saw snow falling for the first time in chicago… snow falling is beautiful, and to most of the world it’s just normal - to australians, it just never happens
ahah righto well yeah that’s all super shit
i meeeeean idk much about french politics, but from everything i heard the biggest shit show was the pension thing, and that was more an individuals being annoyed about getting less, but the pension situation was unsustainable so they either do something or it all imploded and macron tried to do something and people hated it because it effected them personally but now they’ve still got to deal with it and it’s just getting worse?
as an aussie, i’m supporting canadian and european products, services, and foundations
i think that globally we get through this by cooperating rather than being protectionist… we’re stronger together, and that cooperation is what we need to beat the bully