Sooner or later MAGAs will realize that the ass-raping they are getting isn’t the gay guy standing over in the corner.
Sooner or later MAGAs will realize that the ass-raping they are getting isn’t the gay guy standing over in the corner.
I stopped buying on Amazon Jan 20. I will cancel Amazon Prime today. Many people will also stop buying and many people will cancel Prime. When they stop buying for a week, they tend to find alternatives that they stick with. I was buying several hundred dollars worth of merch but have found better alternatives. I will not go back. Seven days is just a start. Amazon is noticing.
The ultimate money laundering scam.
It’s a money laundering operation in plain sight.
Excellent. Best to deal with local industries than loco ones.
Ukraine should immediately sign a precious metals contract with France.
the DNC is the last place to find actual conservatives these days.
There is a good reason for this. Money to win elections comes from CONSERVATIVE corporations and populism isn’t on their wish list.
Nearly $3 billion USD flowed through the TRUMP cryptocoin
But wait, there’s more. Us taxpayer money will now be used to “invest” in these crypto scams.
I will simply not be buying Jack Daniel’s, probably ever, along with a slew of other things
American here. You aren’t alone by any stretch. Once people and countries establish alternatives they very likely won’t switch back. Farmers found out the hard way the first time but they aren’t very smart so here we are. Also, tariffs are considered an act of war by many.
Can you provide a link because there doesn’t seem to be a reliable one.
MAGAs are going to be hit hard with the cost cuttings and job eliminations. Sit back. They are the ones who are violent and they will take that violence to their source of problems when they wise up enough. It may take them awhile to work through the propaganda and bullshit though.
Perhaps a better question is, “What are you doing to help?”.
Supporting a national strike, canceling Amazon, leaving FB, might be a good start. Contacting you representative who doesn’t represent you seems to be futile. Maybe flash protests?
Republicans didn’t seem too concerned when a Democrat was confronted by a guy with a hammer who attempted to kill him, in fact it was a big joke with them.