The book states ‘no one knows when’ several times; even in Revelations, the book literally about end times.
And there are many times in modern human history that people were sure it had kicked off. But it didn’t and things just got better again. It’s like our thing to almost wipe ourselves out but miserably kick on for another day.
We only just appeared here anyway so we’ll likely disappear just as recently as well and some other living thing will have its turn, and so on, and so on, until the sun takes out the atmosphere and then the planet. And fin.
Nah, there’s an apocalyptic phase that goes on for a long time and chances of ultimate survival are quite positive. Six billion could perish, making life much easier for the remaining, though there’d be hard times for a few generations during recovery.
Always look on the bright side of life 😙🎵
Or, ya know, astroid… Whatever it is, it beats dying of dysentery at age 34.