• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2024


  • Because cdpr is a joke. Like did you see cyberpunks release? All they care is about money they showed that with their rushed job. I haven’t claimed any free games on GOG because you have to sign up for their newsletter in order to claim the game. I still get spammed with emails from GOG even after unsubscribing after I receive every single email. At this point of just marked em’ as spam.

  • People say he’s Nazi because he laughed at a video of these Indian kids holding a sign that said heil Hitler. People say he paid them on Fiverr to write that but he didn’t… And the reason he laughed was because the kids didn’t know what it said because they were Indian they did not speak English so they had no idea the sign said that and that’s what made it funny. But take it out of context make a few articles add in a couple leftist with no brain cells then boom PewDiePie is a Nazi is the new thing.

    Edit: before someone else brings it up a lot of people say he was in the Nazi uniform it wasn’t a Nazi uniform you can Google it I forget what uniform it was but it wasn’t a Nazi one