That is a great shot, probably marine erosion is more responsible for the geomorph here rather than wind or rain.
That is a great shot, probably marine erosion is more responsible for the geomorph here rather than wind or rain.
And the US by extension is becoming noise too, there seems to be universal domestic capitulation. Not much land of the free and the brave happening.
The last half hour of Close Encounters made mundane by reality.
Billionaires do not have any special talents, perhaps beyond a coldness of spirit and lack of empathy so that their population is determined by the current holding capacity of the socio-economic and political world they find themselves in. What I mean to say by this is if you cause a particular billionaire to live an additional hundred years the result is not an increase in the net number of billionaires but rather their revised individual longevity simply limits other sociopaths from assuming billionaire status. Now you likely do not personally know any billionaires so whether they are constantly reshuffled by a natural lifespan or its the same set of long lived fuckers actually makes no odds to you. You do however very likely know people within a fifty meter radius of you, family and friends. Your life will be greatly enriched by the resurrection of such people and for the reasons I have stated not overly harmed by Nosferatuing a few mega-rich.
Almost 90% of The World see Trump as bad for The World
It will look like a man playing with a dog, and we are not the man.
It was a quote from Norm Macdonald, comedy - look it up if German search engines lower themselves with such humourous returns. The Germans are what they are, today they fought against appeasement and led a European announcement of greatly increased defense spending to support Ukraine and the world more widely, a difficult and noble decision. Filling the gap left as the US falls ever further into shame.
I am not sure if you are a student of history but twice before the Germans decided to go to war and have as their foe the world.
I am not sure 1.5m Germans all deciding on a single course of action is something to be happy about.
That is exactly the point, LLM aim to simulate the chaotic best guess flow of the human mind, to be conscious and at least present the appearance of thinking and from that to access and process facts but not be a repository of facts in themselves. The accusation here that the model constructed a fact and then built on it is missing the point, this is exactly the way organic minds work. Human memory is constantly reworked and altered based on fresh information and simple musings and the new memory taken as factual even while it is in large part fabricated, and to an increasing extent over time. Many of our memories of past events bear only cursory fidelity to the actual details of the events themselves to the point that they could be defined as imagined. We still take these imagined memories as real and act upon them exactly as has been done here by the AI model.
All men can be educated to treat people with respect, to say otherwise is plain misandry but of course calling that out does not virtue signal quite as easily as misogyny. Every word of misandry spoken detracts from your case of misogyny because given freedom the genders are equally prone to those thoughts, understanding that is how it is removed from society.
Thanks that is a better summary, it seems to find a workable solution in better visibility which is not so far from what I said about camera surveillance. But even so the only real cure is improved and dedicated male education which I also suggested, nothing I said I thought was misogynistic but a certain sort of mind likes to ape words in a meaningless way. As to the paper I did think about reading it but then I thought about something else, my comment was on the summary.
What is interesting here is the downvoting my comments are getting, smacks of exactly the sort of pack mentality harassment Sweden is seeking to address.
I don’t think you know what misogynist means.
This summary is shocking, it just repeats that the place needed to be safer, so they made it safer and now everyone feels safer over and over but they don’t say how. From the banish part in the title I would guess they excluded men which is very sad and no real solution, the women are still just forced to hide, they just have a larger place to hide in. What is needed is male education and some way to neutralise the physical threat from men. Maybe complete camera coverage, it is a privacy problem but it would be a strong deterrent if prosecution was guaranteed.
They just seemed to have the correct attitude to do it anyway.
I definitely had that as vaguely factual, I thought heavy from blood they lightened the load before flying off and the hole was a too tempting target plus they enjoyed the symbolism. I asked ChatGPT and it said it was made up and was quite sneering about it so I suppose that is that.
I am sure I read somewhere that they defecate in the hole after they have drawn blood and that is what causes the irritation. That does not sound as if they are particularly worried about being regarded as annoying, in fact it feels like they see it as a bonus.
I did not say the issue was Labour generated I said they are avoiding re-nationalisation, they could nationalise it tonight, do you think they will?
It is not about ownership of copies it is about respect for significance. If I print a photograph of a member of your family I will own that print, can I then deface it in front of you and will you remain passive and unaffected.
Everything is catfishing, when you put your best foot forward or wear your best shirt or be funnier or cooler than you actually are. Same as couples used to court but courting is grooming, it is the modern world’s desire to terrorise everyone into passivity by demonising the simple everyday activities of life.