He would be the seat cushion
Reddit had a few really good and active lifting communities. There were interesting program reviews, sometimes everyone would run super squats together and report on the various effects of drinking a gallon of whole milk per day on the digestive tract. And I could help others join in and start lifting themselves into their best selves, since not many people in my real life circle are interested
“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” - Professor William T. Kelley, Wharton School of Business and Finance
Service guarantees citizenship!
Nibble upon hoarders of resources
Well that’s just what we call pillow talk baby, that’s all
You’re not retaliating, I’m retaliating!
That girdle working overtime
In exchange for what from Russia?
Old ass kindle. Physical buttons, no modem to phone home / update itself / delete my shit, only thing it can do is display books
Don’t forget about asking how the project is going too!
Did they fire the large hadron collider again?!