How is that unpopular?
How is that unpopular?
Eww, a reddit link.
lol, so these dumb fucks are continuing to do blanket purges of anything with certain words in the description. Hence the Enola “Gay” getting targeted.
school shootings became prevalent only after the introduction of Prozac
It’s also worth noting that shortly following the introduction of Prozac, Arby’s added curly fries to their menu and the ninja turtles exploded in popularity.
So, in about 5 years, the only physical retail pharmacies for PPO plans in the US will be CVS, Costco, Walmart, and Kroger owned companies. Walgreens will be picked to the bone and Rite Aid is currently dying.
The AFD probably can’t wait to J6 Pardon these assholes if they ever get power.
Someone should use Elon’s likeness to play a young Kathy Bates in the MCU. (Matlock Cinematic Universe)
He’s basically sending a bunch of women and children into a war zone.
If hell exists, this guy is definitely going to the lowest level of it.
I’m also just here to admire the engineer who made the copy plural when multiple doors open. My fancy ass modern car doesn’t do it that.
He’s a moron that doesn’t realize semiconductor fab processes don’t pop up instantly.
The US is about to fold and let Taiwan / China own all critical semiconductor manufacturing during the next 30 years.
Trump just wants to shit on anything with Biden’s name on it. Even if that thing is something he would otherwise agree with. He’s not well.
Biden’s Gaza policy was tragic, but still, fuck anyone that voted to throw gas onto that fire.
Guy behind the Muslim ban, with the Christian nationalist base, was always going to make things worse.
Where is Adobe_Photoshop_6_Windows_CrAcKeD.iso?
Looks like OP never bought a bidet during the great pandemic TP shortage.