I hear Canada has lots of eggs and they are USA’s closest ally, haven’t been following the news in 2 weeks though, there is no way decades of relations could have possibly been destroyed in that short amount of time, right?
I hear Canada has lots of eggs and they are USA’s closest ally, haven’t been following the news in 2 weeks though, there is no way decades of relations could have possibly been destroyed in that short amount of time, right?
I don’t think we need geniuses, I think we just need enough people to do the job, which they don’t have.
Thanks to Trump the world wants nuclear arms again and WW3 is actually a possibility.
Who would have thought chaos is terrible for business.
This guy sucks hard, and then I find out he is MAGA, ok, it’s starting to make sense…
Don’t forget a side of market manipulation.
Crypto can be manipulated hard with a huge amount of capital, so now he is just using the US tax dollars to manipulate crypto currencies.
Yes this is the world we live in.
We will be happy to come back as soon as America enacts stronger protections to prevent this from happening again and dumps Trump. Nothing wrong the the American people, it’s just one American and one south African than are ruining everything for everyone.
The more American history I read, the more I realize alot of the time it is the wrong side of history…
the famous quote of Churchill , "Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”
Wake up America and dump Trump !
Well, it was a good run.
“IVF promises”
Whoever thought he was going to give people free IVF have got to be the most gullable of the bunch…
There is no way, and that should have been obvious.