He thinks he’s the good guy
I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.
He thinks he’s the good guy
but “laying hands” is just how evangelicals normally act…
Being uncomfortably touchy on someone (sometimes against their will) and taking credit for something that’s obvious bullshit?
… Yeah that tracks.
I don’t have a whole network setup like the rest of you guys, but I’ve been naming my desktop pc’s SHODAN ever since I built my first one. Secondary/partner’s pc is named XERXES. I’ll probably never change them.
Thoroughly, yes, and the guy (Andrew Wakefield)was stripped of his medical license for malpractice because of it.
It is pointless, it was always pointless and always will be. That’s the point. Before the internet kids were stealing their dad’s or brother’s Hustlers and Playboys. For most of the internet’s time so far you just click a button that says “yes I’m over 18 I pinky promise”. In the future of the internet any effort to seriously implement age verification short of submitting a DNA sample is going to be bypassed. Trying to find porn is one of only like four things that teenage boys think about, you’re not going to stop that signal. Ask anyone born before 2000 about forest porn and they’ll probably have a story about finding a couple magazines or a VHS stashed in the woods somewhere near where they lived as a kid.
Best case, you just drive them off the mainstream sites that verify age and onto shadier websites that don’t. Or the kid that steals his dad’s ID to watch porn starts downloading and distributing them on USBs to everyone in his school, makes like $800, and then gets arrested, now this kid has an unnecessary sex crime on his record because the government really wants to know when you’re jerking off. It’s all just pointless performatism that causes more problems than it solves. And that’s not even getting into the fact that a nefarious government, which we definitely have here in America, can use that information to pinpoint especially LGBT folks via their porn viewing habits.
So at best it’s stupid and useless and at worst it’s going to get people killed.
Is it? Is it really? Please, elaborate on how that is the case. We’re listening.
He also hasn’t been checking his missed messages for at least a thousand years
I would wager it was the codeine painkillers that were dynamite and the burger was mostly a side effect
Hi, white guy here,
Kendrick seems like he’s becoming, for black people, what artists like Johnny Cash and Woody Guthrie were for white people. I don’t think that should be minimized. Artists may not be out fighting on their own, but they bring people together and I think music in particular has a really powerful effect of bringing people together for a purpose. Musicians have become the faces of movements many times before.
I keep seeing a lot of arguments along the lines of “they can’t have done that, that’s against the law.”
**Republicans do not care about the rule of law. ** They loudly and repeatedly flaunt this at every opportunity. The entire reason we keep having to talk about this is because of how loudly and repeatedly they prove they are willing to break any law in order to win. The law does not matter, it is toilet paper, it does not stop them. That’s the whole REASON we are all up in arms about this in the FIRST place.
Your argument is a nonsensical one. You’ve illustrated the way the Poison Postcard is supposed to work, absolutely. But did it actually follow those rules? In some places like Texas and Georgia, that answer is a booming, resounding, FUCK NO they didn’t. So what about elsewhere then?
He thinks he’s the good guy