I have 2x32"@4k side by side at 100% scaling. No way I would switch to a single ultrawide as I would be losing screen size, so I would have to adjust the ratio to make it the same size and thus lose screen real estate.
I also prefer two monitors as I have different workspaces for each so I can switch just half the “screen” between different groups of apps. It would also be harder for my tiling WM, sway, to tile the large number of apps currently split over two workspaces without a lot more faffing.
Oh and switching apps to full screen would be less useful, I use that a lot as it’s just two keys to flip it back and forth. I can keep reference on the other screen and the other app full screen.
I watched this today and really enjoyed it.
I’m not going to pretend it’s the greatest or deepest sci-fi film ever made, but it’s fun if you are into dystopian; it’s almost Gilliam esc. but it doesn’t quite embrace it fully.
The Messianic cult leader is a little on the nose and as 2D as his realife inspiration is.
It doesn’t explore all the possibilities or offer real depth to what is a complex topic, but as a soft sci-fi story it’s a fun and sometimes funny way to pass a couple of hours.