Now this is fucking cool! Sure it will probably take some time to become affordable, but that it’s possible at all is awesome.
Now this is fucking cool! Sure it will probably take some time to become affordable, but that it’s possible at all is awesome.
Aye People, recommend me some funny communities!
Just noticed that it shows how many days ago I joined. The babies are taking over this thread. This is a baby-thread now.
This. A lot of the earth doesn’t look like this. And a lot of normal jobs are actively making it worse. Like, unfortunately you don’t need to work for Nestle to be a part of that.
I’m not blaming any minimum wage worker at Amazon or retail or in factories of course. They got no choice. We live in a system where unemployment is ultimately better for the planet than a significant portion of jobs.
Guess I run into traffic, yelling and waving at the taxi that just deliberately passed me by. Then I get hit by a truck.
They’re clearly destabilizing the countries integrity by checks notes vandalizing cars! Property damage is obviously much worse than actual violence, so long as the property is expensive enough. /s