In a regular reality someone as willfully ignorant as that slag would have Darwined themselves out of existence
In a regular reality someone as willfully ignorant as that slag would have Darwined themselves out of existence
Rest assured most of us are beyond pissed off and upset and trying to figure out how to stop this from happening… Unfortunately there’s far too many more ons who think this isn’t terrible.
I bet his email is erm71@ every company
Those are the assholes who need to be punished
These guys sure do make Satan sound much less horrifying than their version of “Christianity”
How much you wanna bet this assholes email address is ERM71@insert the company.com for all of his companies?
And what official body is in charge of keeping the official record and count of illegal immigrants crossing the border? Seems to me it’s most likely DHS and ice reporting and isn’t it in their own best interest to inflate the numbers or deflate them to appease the Nazis?
The Pearl clutchers are also Nazis then
Immigrants implies they’ve gone through the legal process to emigrate to the United States. The word you’re looking for is illegal aliens and I think the vast majority of the country is forgetting there is a simple solution. Penalize all of the companies that are exploiting illegal alien labor to widen their profit margin. Why do we always blame the drug users instead of the drug dealers in this country and I’m using the terms as a metaphor in this case the dealers are the businesses they’re the problem not the folks trying to make a better life for themselves.
But if we don’t then that fucking Nazi will continue to fist fuck the Constitution with Republican/Nazi cucks begging for daddy’s approval.
That other commenter had to be a bot keep the fight going man America’s worth saving by actual Americans not a billionaire narcissistic psychopath of an orange shit gibbon Russian asset
Putin wants America to shatter the way the USSR did and Trump is the perfect dumb shit to do it
I’m afraid to acknowledge it but I’m pretty sure reality is blown past even idiocracies most hyperbole deliciousness absurdity.
If a Democrat tried this shit the Republicans would be out for political blood calling the left “deep state” and other horrifying shit, let they’re fine with an apartheid loving Nazi immigrant dismantling their government and refusing to answer for his crimes.
I wish my taxes in the US could be sent straight up to Ukraine since the Orange Moran and the Nazis got rid of every program that our taxes used to benefit us. I don’t want a penny going to those monsters.
Slava Ukraine!
Probably bad caps in the power circuit