You see Charles, they will always hate and fear amphibians. There can never be peace and understanding between us and them.
You see Charles, they will always hate and fear amphibians. There can never be peace and understanding between us and them.
Not voting for them has never once, in the history of history, gotten them to change. It actually causes them to pull further right.
What the other poster said. Is it possible to skip all those episodes? Probably, if you’re okay with getting dropped into an episode like
“Wait, weren’t they under attack by a huge battlefleet? What happened? How did they survive?”
“Wait, this character is dead? How did that happen??”
You’ll also have to skip the season finale of season 6, the first few episodes of season 7, and most of the last episodes of the series, including the series finale. The story arcs of at least four main characters will be resolved in Prophet / Pah Wraith episodes. The whole Dominion plot line becomes heavily entwined with the Prophets / Pah Wraiths and the major events of the later parts of the series we’ll make zero sense without that context.
tl:dr; power through, don’t do it, it gets better.
Back in the day I had like five Reddit accounts. I still log into one of them sometimes (no it’s not my main one, that one turned into obscene invitations for u/spez to bugger himself with a hot poker, I’m not exaggerating).