I kind of feel like people are neglecting some of this here. Like, yes, any pro tennis player would absolutely crush me. I would never get close to taking a game. However, even pro players lose points because they make mistakes. I don’t need to claim that I’m any match for a pro in order to claim that there’s a non-zero chance that they could blunder a single point.
Saying that it’s absolutely absurd that I could take a single point against someone like Serena is essentially saying that it’s absurd to suggest that there’s a decent chance Serena could make a mistake once in 48 points.
I honestly don’t know how good those odds would be, but it doesn’t seem crazy to me to suggest it could happen in around 1/10 matches.
I don’t agree. It’s not always optimal to own the place you live. There have been periods in my life where I was happy to pay a fair price to live in an apartment without having responsibility for repairing stuff or upgrading the kitchen. But most importantly, I didn’t want to be tied down, and having a place I could leave, no strings attached, on three months notice, was perfect.
No matter how you twist it, the capital investment needed to build/buy a home will be orders of magnitude larger than what is needed for monthly maintenance. Also, the fact that a lot of value is tied to the building is not something everyone wants.
Of course, there are landlords who are essentially scalpers. But saying that any landlord is per definition a “leech” is just going way too far.
OP here was able to provide a home for someone on short notice, and with zero investment costs on their part. For someone who doesn’t know how long they will be living in the area, and with an uncertain immediate future, having the option of “zero investment cost + zero responsibility” can be valuable. As such, OP is providing a valuable service.