Which chatbot is it fucking using grock?
Which chatbot is it fucking using grock?
I lived in a camping trailer for a bit. It REALLY made me appreciate dish washers. I cooked almost every meal so I spent like a hour every night doing dishes
You are a person in a bad position, nothing more nothing less. If you are providing a competitive rate for rent you are benefiting these people, especially since you were up front with them. Your plans were not to be a landlord but this is where you have been forced. Hopefully you are able to return to your home soon
That’s good point. It’s sad but true
One of the big ideas about magic in his universe isn’t just that the wizards are useless but that using magic is more trouble then it’s worth. It creates all sorts of left over magic residue that can build up to a myriad of effects.
We see the wizards preform powerful spells, showing that they can do have power and do have a certain degree of knowledge, but rather choose not to.
The duty of the wizards is more to make sure no one preforming magic willy nilly and to prevent people from making sorcerers.
Why will people try anything besides real medicine :(
Hard drives have longer shelf life than unpowered SSD. HDD are a good middle ground between SSD speeds, tape drive stability, and price they won’t go anywhere. The data world exists in tiers