What are they going to retaliate with? Stop exporting gas? They need that money desperately. Attack us? They moved all their defense assets to Ukraine, would be a pretty devastating counterattack.
What are they going to retaliate with? Stop exporting gas? They need that money desperately. Attack us? They moved all their defense assets to Ukraine, would be a pretty devastating counterattack.
I would say it’s not the right tool for the job. You could put the responses in and ask it to label them for you (sentiment, etc), and output that as a CSV, then feed that into some statistics software.
Around 22 days worth of melt. Given 30 million tons an hour.
It is a negative slang word for a big corporation or someone working for one from the cyberpunk video game “Cyberpunk 2077” by CD Project Red.
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if renewables were straight up outlawed.
I worked at a lot of different tech companies, and it will be read or at least analyzed in some way for sure. They care about your wallet and why it closes.
Often, that money is used to fund the historical site to which the fountain belongs, they are basically donations.
This is because they count someone driving their car as emissions of the petrol company selling the gas.
My favorite is when they parked “Mig replacement parts” in a border forest. Miraculously, they were found by the Ukrainians and reassembled into complete jets.
The way to do this is plausible deniability. There is software that allows creating an encrypted volume with two passwords, resulting in two different decrypted volumes. So you give the duress password and there is no incriminating data on there.
For example grapheneOS also has a duress pin that wipes the device.
I know he did some shitty stuff domestically, but hes one of the biggest eurobros.
Don’t trust the corpos but Apple has a history of resisting stuff like this.
He doesn’t really have convictions. He says whatever he thinks will give him power at that moment.
Es ist so widerlich das Merz genau das mit Wonne verhindert hat als die Ampel noch an der Regierung war.
Wenn Selbstständige auch in die Rentenversicherung einzahlen müssen bedeutet das 40% Abgaben vor Steuern… Wäre schön, wenn es da eine progressivere Kurve gäbe. Viele Selbstständige sind nicht wirklich reich, sondern wollen halt nur selbständig sein. Das kann man damit natürlich vergessen.