Yup. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t also ruining the lives of others as well. For that, I have zero empathy towards.
Seriously. Some people need to relax lmao
Ah gotcha. You’re just arguing in bad faith. I won’t be engaging with this then.
So why did you make your comment when you didn’t do even 30 seconds of research on NPR?
I’m sure if you polled the average American they would not agree that “America is better than the rest of the world “. Maybe 20-30 years ago that might have been true.
Why does trump make the dumbest fucking faces. My lord the US is screwed(not because of the trump faces, but because….well, this)
I’ll try and find the transcript when I get home from work, but it went something like this:
Investigator: Could you explain why there are allegations of abuse coming from your workers?
Tate: Oh they’re just saying all that stuff because they’re jealous of me (textbook case of projection; i.e. he is an incredibly jealous person, and so views the actions of others through his own lens; he has a very weak “frame of mind” if you will)
I remember it was full of stuff like this. Jealousy, envy, projection, playing the victim (at multiple points he literally expressed himself as the one who is being victimized by this whole situation), overcompensation, defensiveness…I mean you name it and it was there. You could take a psychology course in just this one interview with the investigator and you could learn quite a bit.
Edit: I should say too that I really struggle to have empathy for those who take their own suffering and promulgate it among those around them (the Tate’s for example). It demonstrates incredibly weak and poor character, and in my opinion (and with working with many, MANY people like this), it is almost impossible for them to get help. They almost never recognize themselves at fault (since they have a superiority complex), and so are incapable of taking that first step towards getting the necessary psychological support needed.
If they don’t want help, fine. Shove these types of people away from society so they don’t make it other people’s problems. They can fester in their own suffering for all I care, as long as it’s far away from others.
If it makes you any consolation, these people are absolutely miserable on the inside. I recently read a transcript of one of them speaking with an officer and I had to stop counting the amount of psychological red flags. They are suffering on the inside. I mean they need to be in jail too because their actions are affecting others too, but at least I can sleep at night knowing they’re fucking miserable.
There’s always been people doubting science. Nothing new