I meant as in that this word isnt in a dictionary. Its just a name that was made up for this product. Nobody uses it ever.
beep boop
I meant as in that this word isnt in a dictionary. Its just a name that was made up for this product. Nobody uses it ever.
This is an intentional meme tho. Its not a real word, just a product name. It does precisely describe the tool and its purpose tho.
Yeah if he gets caught giving them out for free, he might get fired and his perhaps only source of income might be gone. Nobody will risk that unless they are dumb.
I always thought it was triggered by electricity too because of the wires going to it. Turns out those are just connected to a small electrically triggered secondary explosive in the C4 that sets of the C4 reaction when it explodes.
Horrible advice. Atrociously bad. Dont talk to the cops without consulting a lawyer.
Last image is a beauty. Sad that the context is not.
Merz braucht einfach viele kleine Kinder für seine loyale AfDler Armee, daher immer schön Kinder machen.
Probably because my searches aren’t “Tell me why Linux is so cool”. Lol.
sucks to suck i guess :) But yeah the stuff i was searching for was vaguely software related.
One good thing that might come out of all of this, is that USA people might stop being so annoying about how great and perfect their country supposedly is whenever you talk to them. Every time i hear someone chanting “USA, USA” i fell like whacking them with a bat.
ive been finding lemmy content on duckduckgo and other engines for a while now. dont intend to try kagi tho so cant answer your question.
Ooh i did not know about that, interesting. However they could just have built their GPS sats in such a way that allows a wide range of frequency jamming anyways.
information available to few is still more than information available to none
If discord didnt exist, that information would just be elsewhere like proper forums, it doesnt disappear magically.
He does always look a bit tired and fed up with the world yeah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavoj_Žižek
Also that URL goes crazy because of his last name Slavoj_%C5%BDi%C5%BEek
But yeah they are usually not any worse in quality.
I didnt look long enough to see the purple ones dissappear at first. Then i read that you are supposed to look for much longer and yeah them fuckers be gone now. Only green spinny boi.
I dont know why the other agencies just backed down. Force them to detain you, then we will see how serious they are and it makes for better headlines.
Discord blocks all attempts at crawling their “public” servers
Information that cant be indexed by a search engine is completely worthless to anyone looking for answers. It might aswell not be there.
Dude i am so glad. Discord was always a cancer, i hope this will spell the beginning of the end of discord. Its the number one biggest offender in terms of limiting access to information on the internet right now. It needs to die.
Originally those were like that too maybe, but words only get real meaning by being used by people a bunch and universally understood as a specific thing. Anyone can make up any combination of words, but nobody will understand what you are actually talking about.