Correction: Scientology has rape too.
Correction: Scientology has rape too.
Need to ban the Flintstones opening theme song as well. That will cause the pice of gas and groceries to go down for sure.
Mormonism is just Scientology for poor people, and rape.
The day Trump dies will be a very interesting time for his supporters. I could see it going either two ways. One would be them denying it and treating it like when Elvis died people reported seeing him in public and the other possibility is them going full Jamestown.
Welcome! I was permanently banned on Reddit back in June of 2024 because I said I hope the libs of TikTok monster would be hit by a bus.
I own a 2020 Subaru WRXSTI manual and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
I’ll never tell…
They should have Mike Myers go on as Elon and do a mock interview.
As an American I can confirm that crown royal and coke is superior than jack and coke.
Zorg at least had principles, and he didn’t impregnate his secretary.
Definitely, I live in a very rural area of the country I think it might be one of the most rural places in the lower 48 states. And we heavily depend on the postal service to get things that we simply don’t have here. This will totally cripple my town and 99% of the people here will blame it on woke.
What are the long term effects of having a child with a father who’s a nazi and a ketamine addict? Asking for a South African…
I could definitely see that happening and Trump end up in a wheelchair like Stephen Hawking having to use a robot voice to speak or even better we end up with a weekend at Bernie’s situation.