There’s no guarantee the constitution will last long enough for there to be another election. Why are you all waiting for something that may not come?
There’s no guarantee the constitution will last long enough for there to be another election. Why are you all waiting for something that may not come?
Yes, so now they’ve lost they just tell the country “Fuck you. Told you so!”.
GP is asking why have they stopped fighting.
It’s interesting to watch this, and while Bernie is slightly left to my values, how come this octogenarian gets it and the rest of the party doesn’t?
Which party? The Democrats? He’s not part of them since they crushed him and his followers in 2016, preferring to back H.Clinton to a stunning loss against Trump.
They don’t get it because they are also a party more interested in supporting oligarchs than the working person. They still think that Trump beat them through disinformation, when it was really that they lost because their track record since Carter has been to back big business over the needs of the common people. Clinton and Obama should have been ripping up Regan’s / Bush’s legacy, but they just tweaked it. All Trump did was speak to that, even though he had no intention of doing anything about it.
That’s fine and is what most European countries have. What they have is minimum levels to say that a parent is resident (e.g. over a couple of years of a legal status). This is to avoid pregnant women doing exactly what the OP suggests. Make journeys last minute just to get their child a different nationality.
I’m not sure. It’s dark and I’m wearing sunglasses.
As an outsider (UK), Carney is a pretty good choice IMHO. Certainly better than Poilievre. Don’t need Canada taking a step to the right at the moment.
When you’re working with the binary representation of numbers.
In your code you had three numbers 25, 10 and 5. If we write those number in binary we get:
(The 0b at the start is just a way of saying “this is binary”)
When you do a bitwise-or, it’s a bit like adding up but you don’t bother with carrying anything. So let’s do 25 | 10, starting at the right-hand end going bit by bit (bitwise):
So the result is 0b00011011 which is 27.
So now you’re asking “when would I ever need to do such a thing?” and the flippant answer is “you’ll know when you need it”.
You’re looking for more though, I know. Basically computers often put multiple bits of data into bitstreams (long sequences of bits). Think networking and file storage. Constructing these bitstreams is done with bitwise operators like |, &, ^, << and >>. Together they form a different type of maths to what you’re used to.
These operators work in a very similar way to how +, -, * and / work. They take two numbers and return a third. If we rewrite your code using operators you’re more familiar with…
if coin == 25 | 10 | 5: # if coin == 31
if coin == 25 + 10 + 5: # if coin == 40
…you can see it’s obviously wrong because you’re doing one comparison with the result of the operation (addition or bitwise-or), not three comparisons.
If you want to avoid giving people rights that are meant to apply to all humans, you are doing something very wrong.
Is 3,000km impressive? It’s the distance from London to Athens. I’m sure people have done that many times.
Can’t really go wrong with Sennheiser.
Norway has EVs and ice.
250% on eggs.
That’ll be popular.
I was riffing on the People’s front of Judea
They only asked Western Europeans.
Is that a different group to the “Alliance of popular fronts” and the “Popular new front alliance”?
Probably need to do both. Short term, we need to buy stuff. Long term, we can build capacity.
Moray East wind farm desperately needs this. I’m forever seeing that wind farm have to curtail it’s output because they can’t get the power to where it’s needed.
Plastics need a minimal amount of oil compared to what’s burnt for fuel.
As an EV driver I’ll happily tell him he’s wrong about the supercharger network being a game changer. Tesla are just 12.3% of the high power chargers in the UK. It’s not an insignificant number, but if I can only use the other 87.7% of chargers I’ll survive.
It’s a very different situation in the US. There the supercharger network has been the only one that enabled long distance travel, although that’s starting to change.
How are they going to do that when your democracy has had it’s flesh picked off it’s bones?