I think it’s down there let me take another look
you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere
I think it’s down there let me take another look
Abstinence makes the clergy grow fondlers
The LDS setup a child SA hotline years ago to keep clergy from getting caught by the law when guilty of SA. Someone calls it and they say it’s covered under attorney-client if it’s a LDS attorney or theological confession protections if it’s LDS clergy or admin even if the law requires them to report SA to local LEO just like teachers or counselors.
“Not evil, just disconnected”
Yes, drawing from the old adage ‘with great power comes great private jets’ or something like that
If there was a plague that had a 100% human infection rate and killed 87% of the people infected it would still only set back world populations to around the start of the 1900s
Why should anyone wear a suit when the same costume is shared by so many monstrous oppressors of the past couple centuries?
If you’re implying we’re making connections that don’t exist the show creator David Shore has stated in interviews that Sherlock is a big part of the inspiration for the character
2008 interview, skip to 1:16 for the relevant part
Its Dr Sherlock, they just switched the coke for pills, Wilson is Watson, etc
This is always the goofiest moment of X-Men to me, when cyclops starts responding to the narrator
Fark, slashdot, Penny arcade forums, something awful, phpbb, reddit, lobsters, Lemmy, ? Curious to see what comes next in public foruming
When a denomination lies about when the apocalypse is coming they can gain more followers than they lose, look at all the offshoot denominations of Adventists/Millerites