This was the president of the Heritage Foundation Foundation from 2017 to 2021: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kay_Coles_James
This was the president of the Heritage Foundation Foundation from 2017 to 2021: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kay_Coles_James
Inversely, most provinces have supply management of dairy and poultry products to insure a stable price for consumers and protect farmers from inevitable variable conditions.
it will not have to do with the skin color or sexual preferences of the ATCO.
No indeed, obviously it’s because they were dwarfs!
In the west, it’s often conservatives who elect women first. It gives them an edge with moderates. Thatcher, Kim Campbell (technically nominated), Jenny Shipley, Angela Merkel, Giorgia Meloni, Mireya Moscoso, etc. Marine LePen came close and probably still as a chance one day, while France technically did have a Prime Minister, it never had a President.
Interesting, after the first mandate I was betting on Ivanka running.
Then you should really look into setting up a personal VPN. After that what you use to do calendar becomes irrelevant in terms of access.
Who do you want to have access to said calendar?
The guy’s an idiot. And completely carbrained.
Tell me you’re American without telling me… In Kellogg we trust I guess.
Nothing in there is incorrect.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen people say it has CIA financial backing. It did however until only a couple of years ago have strong ties to the State Department’s Open Tech Fund (from the same financial envelope that brings you RFA/RFE/VOA).
All three are basically whithin the margin of error really.