I’m glad ‘The Independent’ changed that title.
I don’t read my replies
I’m glad ‘The Independent’ changed that title.
If you pay attention to the reactionaries, they always steal ideas from the left. Fake news, media bias? That’s Noam Chomsky. Incels stole the idea of critical examination of gender from feminists. Racists are banning books on the theory that they target people based on their race.
That’s why they’re called reactionaries. They cannot organize and ideology or a movement except as an opposition to the left dragging society forward. And like anyone motivated by spite and envy, they study us closely.
The oldest human writings are lost to history. But we can be assured that they bitterly complained about the young generation and predicted that the world would end soon.
Sooner or later, one of the kooks will be right by coincidence.
At some point we have to consider if our culture and society isn’t just sick, and these children are not products of online trends, but more the inflamed pustules of the feverish patient.
Is “dl” deciliters? That’s neat, never seen that before.
Guess ABC is having briber’s remorse and CBS got wise.
Measuring the volume of a skull was once a valid way to determine intellect. We make fun of people who believed that, but IQ is arguably a worse instrument, and certainly no better.
The problem is you can’t measure intelligence any more than you can measure charm or beauty. All instruments who claim to do so are doomed to embarrass the people who use them.
This is how prison works. No matter your gender, personal security or the lack thereof is a tool of coercion. It’s so bad that forced labor is a privilege by comparison.
And I mean that literally. Involuntary labor gets taken away from those who misbehave right before they get thrown into a pit.
Everything special about this man was true when he still had an umbilical chord.
The Enola Gay hangs in the Udvar Hazy branch of the Smithsonian, and seeing it in person is the only time I’ve ever been overwhelmed by an artifact. I was grateful that there was a bench right there to sit on, and it occurred to me that probably wasn’t a random placement.
What people forget is that separation of church and state is meant to protect both from each other. The mixture of Christianity with conservative politics creates an unsolvable contradiction between community and individualism that, I believe, has contributed more to the decline of Christianity in the US than the oft cited bigotry and child abuse.
If we could just let go of the Yakubian myth that more brains = smarter, this wouldn’t be so surprising.
The reason we protect Japan is because they agreed to scale back their imperial military to a small defense force protected by the American nuclear umbrella. It also gives the US influence over Asia and feeds into the global free movement of goods.
If I were Japan or SKorea hearing this news, I’d be looking hard at a nuclear weapons program.
While these parents made a catastrophic decision, remember that they are the only people in the chain who got consequences. Hang all the blame on their head, and you acquit the people who spread and profit from these lies like Andrew Wakefield, RFJ Jr., and the Social Media companies.
Let’s traumatize our academic institutions and research industry
-a country famous for innovation and technology making a decision they surely will not regret.
I think we need to drop the premise that the Founders were geniuses who’s dusty ass opinions count for jack shit.
The secret is that they were just regular politicians from a long time ago.
Fuck ABC! They’re broke because they paid a $15M bribe to the President. I see that CBS is preparing to do the same thing. If another party ever elects a president, they should revoke licenses!
You guys know that RFK jr. wrote an article in Rolling Stone that basically introduced America to Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who did the “study” that linked vaccines to autism? While it’s true that anti-vaxers have been a thing almost since the founding of the Republic, it was niche until RFK, Wakefield, and finally Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carry (with the help of Socials) took it mainstream and fomented the movement we see today.