The star anise pod, there’s what, 8 in a family sized batch of broth? It’s still a strange garnish. Basil, not cilantro. Cilantro is for Thai soup.
The star anise pod, there’s what, 8 in a family sized batch of broth? It’s still a strange garnish. Basil, not cilantro. Cilantro is for Thai soup.
There’s no mystery. If the workers don’t punch up in unison corporate will maintain the same wages they ever have. Up until COVID happened, there were nurses working on the same wage scales as 2003. Techs and aides fared no better. Outlandish and difficult to believe that is the only type of hourly wage worker who has experienced this gross level of stagnation in wages.
There are many individuals who have upped their meds such that they do not have daily panic attacks. It’s not that people don’t know, it’s that they feel powerless. Some have gone to stand in streets with signs, only to go home to face the same problems unfixed by their actions and then have a panic attack.
Non controlled substance example, a buspar increase, additional hydroxyzine increase, and added blood pressure med. That’s not advice, that’s simply 1 example you’re not seeing happening. And it’s a common combo such that it’s pretty non-identifying, like metoprolol with baby aspirin.
The usual methods of protest are not working. And as much as people like to scream on Lemmy that old methods will work, let’s be realistic. They’re ignoring courts, laws, the us constitution, why would they listen to some “nobody” on a street in a city they don’t visit. I wish to god it were that simple but this is a new order, you’ll need new methods.
In the meantime, who do you call? There’s no customer service line where someone takes your governance complaint and offers a resolution.
Do you know anyone with any governance power at all? Most don’t.
Common reported feelings include: elephant sitting on my chest (overlapping symptom between heart attack and panic attack), feeling ready to “climb the walls”, despair, controlled fear, suffocation, among others.
The feelings are there, but to what effective actions?
Inertia is one of the driving forces of humanity.
Because MAGA wants what’s under the ice after global warming makes it accessible, never mind the problems with that rationale.
It’s also why they want Greenland and will fully exploit public parkland.
Most people are grey. Most people have full capacity to be both glorious and a raging asshole. The rest is perception.
Social identity. Hardship together. This is no joke.
I just FaceTimed with a MAGA this week as they industriously cooked a weeks worth of food to freeze. This is an individual who traditionally only defrosts processed crap on baking sheets, despises leftovers, and grocery shops every 1-3 days rather than storing food.
Not this week. Now they’re all about unprocessed foods, cooking to save money, and meal planning in advance. A 180 shift from a week ago. In addition, they’re starting a pantry.
Resale is irrelevant. First sale, new, is Al that affects Elon.
Do the public art, like the 0 to 1939 ads in London. It’s part of the landscape, vandalizes nothing, and is highly visible messaging.
Ads work or they wouldn’t be on display. Use the same type of playbook with public art in this vein
COVID was somehow the visceral turning point. Variations on visitor restrictions in hospitals still exist since then due to the extraordinary and amazing displays of bad behavior from that time.
People could always behave badly. Direct care staff, as one example, have been wearing panic buttons linked directly to security and calling a violence code over the announcement system, since around 2015 on the medical side of things.
But COVID was a severe escalation point. Families screaming in hallways that the diagnoses was “fake news” or part of the hospitals “corporate conspiracy” escalating to the point of pulling medical equipment off their loved ones, who could not breathe without that medical equipment.
Behaviors that could potentially kill people wrapped up in an inexorable belief that science was lying. No trust of medical personnel who are there to help whatever the system around them contrives to do with care.
While the behaviors are not like COVID times any more, there’s a residual skepticism of, well, everything since that time. Sadly, one that is preyed upon by politics to keep us fighting one another instead of punching up.
Forgive me, maybe “punching up” is now a ban-worthy turn of phrase.
This likely won’t stick, unless Walmart is supported more.
Gone are the days of going store to store to store to store to find the stuff you want/need. In addition, half the stores are now gone so you can’t do that anyway.
I’d love to see this happen, but I’m skeptical given Amazon’s present near monopoly on shopping.
How horrible.
LLCs are licensed. As such, the owner(s) is on public record which means you track this on a .gov site. Some of these guys, as in a single real estate guy, will have a page or two of the LLC flips including land purchases fof $10 between their own LLCs.
Oh how I wish that were a given.
People who bought Tesla cars before Elon bought an election should not be harassed.
A vehicle is for the decade, at minimum. Affording a switch is not something that can be assumed. This isn’t the 90s, when regular people turned over a lease, or a purchase, every 3 years, ish.
There’s also a commitment to electric once a charging station is installed at your home.
My last vehicle lasted almost 15yrs.
And that’s the primary problem with the new triple contractor rates, House quality is going to severely decline in the next 10yrs as people try to do everything themselves because professional home repair has become grossly unaffordable.
I’ve been repairing and home owning for over 25 yrs. I make more money and can no longer easily afford home repair the last 3 yrs. As such, I shudder the think of what garbage is being done in homes with no capacity to afford the new higher rates right now. Even a box of construction screws and a can of paint is crazy expensive now.
Nothing says prime dating material like calling women heifers. I’m shocked he even has to use an app to get dates.
Lib has only been going on for what, 50yrs or so? After centuries of bullshit and borderline slavery. Too soon.
It’s like the man is aging faster, every photo.
As a homeowner I’m more convinced this is the quality of contractors these days. For triple pre-2020 prices.
It’s showy, the male MAGAs no doubt feel vindicated. When they realize their lives aren’t easier, it will be far enough away on the time line something else will be blamed for it. Chuck will still be a jerk who can’t get promoted due to his sparkling personality but he will no longer be able to blame DEI.
The main point, for Heritage, is groundwork for women at home having babies. Look at the long game. Pregnancy and leave for it will end up grounds for dismissal, in addition to continued lower pay and lack of promotion. Good luck bringing suit for any of it during this admin, which will establish precedent going forward.
‘Eau’ and ‘oi’ are the best I can do with that mess. Or a whole tray dump.