Just started using mint. Tell me a game that you’re curious about and if I own it I’ll try it out.
Just started using mint. Tell me a game that you’re curious about and if I own it I’ll try it out.
I’ve tried it out a couple of times in the past but the issue is that all the content I found is either in a language I don’t speak or just open source news and how to’s. I couldn’t find any videos that were of any of my interests. I absolutely love the idea but since youtube has a system for paying people for their content, that is where the best content stays. Afaik.
My wife said “you could put 2 in one hole if you weren’t a coward”.
I just ask what I do on my turn.
I own Stardew. Ill check out the others and see if I’d like to buy them. I’ll do the testing after i get off work tonight and let you know.