Cherry for me, my grandma would always have it and it was always delicious.
(I ask this as I am eating cherry ice cream)
Young coconut ice cream. It’s one of those flavors we can easily get from those ice cream carts that stop by the neighborhood usually in the middle of the afternoon. There’s also mango and avocado completing the usual three flavors the cart would have, and I would always buy all three flavors available (unless I really hate the flavor).
Some of the adults would opt to have the ice cream served in a bread bun (usually just repurposed hamburger buns, without the sesame seeds), but I always opted for the sugar cones.
Raspberry ripple!
Neapolitan. We always seemed to have it around when I was very young.
Plain vanilla dyed blue; they used to call it delfino I think
Bryers vanilla would if it was the same as it used to be. That was my go to add a kid. It sucks now.
Orange sherbet in a cone. My grandfather used to get it for me after taking me to the park to play when I was around 4-6 or so. He passed away almost a decade ago and every time I have some, I think of him. He was the best.
Plain old vanilla. We used to get those big gallon buckets of ice cream cause they were cheap.
Same. I didn’t care for it much. My dad always got the good stuff, vanilla.
Honeycomb, from the northern Irish ice cream shop that was Queen Elizabeth’s favourite. The only shop they ever made outside of NI was in Windsor as the queen liked it.
Tutti Frutti. I mean, I hated it then and probably wouldn’t like it as an adult but it seemed to be everywhere when I was a kid.
Hoodsie cups in the northeast.
Two come to mind.
- Classic cookies n’ cream
- The 1-gallon vanilla-fudge swirl that they used(?) to sell at walmart. I think it was called the party bucket or something like that.
Those two flavors usually take me back
Vanilla soft serve with rainbow sprinkles (or jimmies for certain nor-easterners). I even have one tattooed on my arm as part of a boardwalk sleeve.