My brother said something similar “I never shampoo and my hair doesn’t stink”.
My wife and I informed him that his hair stank, and that we had to launder the pillowcase immediately after he stayed over because it stank up the room and adjacent hallway the day after.
OP got used to his BO, I promise you the people around him know he does not use soap.
I have also not shampooed my hair for an extended period, and you do have to rinse it when you shower. I would put soap on the ends every so often and I had to rinse it with baking soda a few times to remove cooking odors (onions mostly).
No one ever complained about a smell, but people tend not to say things like that.You don’t need to shampoo your hair of course. Nature never provided us with a shampoo but you’ll have nicer hair if you do.
It’s the same for bathing obviously you don’t have to do it, in the past everyone just spelled really bad. Not bathing isn’t some magical cure for warts, and it absolutely is necessary for common decency’s sake.
Ever visit a zoo and notice any smells, e.g. in the ape house? That’s a part of nature, of course.
It’s just we’re trying to avoid that.
people say I smell like nothing now
probably because it’s instantly destroying any scent receptors permanently