What kind of perspective are you looking for? Like ones that are mentioned a lot by press and get good reviews? Do they have to be recent? Do you want more mainstream or more generally well liked by people who like metal? Can they be obscure?
Mainstream and new (not necessarily ones I like) :
Knocked Loose
Sleep Token
Lorne Shore
Recent ish and well liked, maybe more underground:
Imperial Triumphant
Generally well liked by metalheads, not necessarily new or not new :
Beyond Creation
Napalm Death
Ones I like because they are well made :
Behold The Arctopus (check out Canada for an entry point, the song Skullgrid is too chaotic for newcomers)
What kind of perspective are you looking for? Like ones that are mentioned a lot by press and get good reviews? Do they have to be recent? Do you want more mainstream or more generally well liked by people who like metal? Can they be obscure?
Mainstream and new (not necessarily ones I like) :
Recent ish and well liked, maybe more underground:
Generally well liked by metalheads, not necessarily new or not new :
Ones I like because they are well made :
Thank you for your your answers!