Being a member of the European Economic Area is a more realistic goal and would probably solve Canada’s problems derived from being far too Economically entwinned with their next door neighbour.
Mind you, any form of being part of the EU Single Market (which EEA members are without being EU members) requires a ton of uniformization of things like Product regulations (which amongst other things means Canada would not be allowed to import many if not most US food products such as for example beef of cattle which has been fed hormones) and acceptance of Freedom Of Movement for both people and goods.
(Following Brexit, Britain did not move to become an EEA member exactly because of both the Freedom of Movement requirement and the difficulty in getting other EEA member approval since the UK are a disproportionatelly large economy compared to all EEA members but Canada’s reasons are different - not anti-immigration and xenophobia like the UK - so things like Freedom Of Movement would probably not be an issue and its Economy is just a bit over half the size of the UK’s)
Why would this be surprising given the state of things?
This is going to be so funny for Britain.
Fuck yeeeah!
Capitalists are gonna have a meltdown when we’ll have to implement the 4 weeks minimum paid vacation, banked overtime with a yearly limit, bretter minimum wage, tougher regulations on food and environment protection. Etc.
I’ll probably get called entitled, but even 3 weeks isn’t enough, and I know that’s more than many people get.
You’re being reasonable.
You’re not entitled, your advocating for yourself and others. Work should not be our whole lives.
Fucking worth the extra taxes. The EU isn’t perfect, but they’re still sane enough to back.
That would be the craziest shit to be honest, but I sure welcome you all!
I don’t think Canada needs the Euro or the Stability and Growth Pact straightjacket. We also don’t need European xenophobic attitudes towards immigration.
Let’s have a customs union, and let’s have closer integration and cooperation, but let’s keep our independence.
Signed, a dual citizen.
Yeah works for me.
Membership of the #EU is a long term project with many intermediate steps. Some decided they are fine with a certain step and stay on it(Norway) some decided to get off completley(Iceland) and some decided to get out after they were in(UK). Though I admit brexit was, unnecessarily, bitter the rift is healing and we enjoy good relations with all.
Tough I’d welcome Canada into the union I dont think either side fully grasp how deep and wideranging ascension would be. Regardless I’m perfectly fine with a customs union if thats what #Canada wants.
Well, Norway was at 52% Vs 48% back in '94. It’s changing, there was a big article on it today on, so Norway might become an EU member soon.