“Amazon must have recognized the potential success, as 73% of people listen to audiobooks daily.”
Well that’s a lie. They even posted a reference for the statistic but clearly didn’t bother to read it.
The number their source gives is 45% (for US and no mention of daily), with 73% of those people listening during their commutes.
Maybe it’s about time we have a database of business connections e.g who owns what / what is owned by whom, which companies work together and what their relationships are, where the businesses are headquartered and spread out across the globe, etc.
It doesn’t have to have any agenda, just that data. However it could be used to then have a “boycott” app or something. “I want to boycott FAANG, their subsidiaries, and whichever other companies are owned by their CEOs”. With the app, that should be a simple ask. Or simply “I want to boycott anything Nestlé”.