I don’t reject Discovery because it embraces LGBT or POC characters. I reject it because it’s written like shit, especally the parts about LGBTQ characters.
An example of a show around the same time that handled LGBT issues much better than Discovery: Umbrella Academy.
I don’t reject Discovery because it embraces LGBT or POC characters. I reject it because it’s written like shit, especally the parts about LGBTQ characters.
An example of a show around the same time that handled LGBT issues much better than Discovery: Umbrella Academy.
each iteration of the series had problematic parts…
Discovery only had problematic parts.
Discovery has some of my favorite characters of any series. The broader stories might be weak, but Doug Jones as Saru was amazing.
Saru, Stamets, and Reno were the only parts I liked.
i wish reno had more screen time
She actually vanishes mid-scene at one point.
Discovery has some pretty good, a few extremely annoying and a whole lot of very boring characters who’s name I wouldn’t even remember if you told me.
The worst thing about it though, is that it’s pessimistic, dark and over dramatic.