Dems have 10000xmore governors, state and federal senators, state and federal representatives, and various other elected postitions. Or infinitely more really, since greens have jack shit.
the green new deal, which kamala signed onto. that is the reason i voted for kamala, and you should thank jill stein. if not for that, i mighta voted jill again.
Green Party
The Dems have 100000 × more money and lose more than 100000 × harder
Dems have 10000xmore governors, state and federal senators, state and federal representatives, and various other elected postitions. Or infinitely more really, since greens have jack shit.
Politically, I’d be there if not for Jill Stein.
Yeah weird how she isn’t in the news anymore like she is an obvious plant to split the left leaning vote.
the news is owned by powerful interests who do not benefit from telling you about her at the moment.
She’s probably on another dinner date with Vlad Putin.
Be honest what has she done to advance the green party? Not much, just wheel out her old corpse during elections.
the green new deal, which kamala signed onto. that is the reason i voted for kamala, and you should thank jill stein. if not for that, i mighta voted jill again.
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