I look forward to them trying to DDOS that address
Okay back in the days of IRC, I met this script kiddie who said he’d hack me, just give him my IP address. So I sent him his IP address and he disappeared suddenly.
What good is a script kiddie if they cannot find an IP?
Especially on IRC
There was that one bash.org quote where a script kiddie was given as part of an “oh yeah I dare you” taunt after he said he could hack anyone, and he fell for it hook line and sinker. He was posting things like “Hahaha your K drive is being deleted! Now your H drive! [connection reset by peer]” and right after that the challenger was like “I don’t even have a K drive.”
(RIP bash.org though. I would have tried to link it otherwise)
I came across this when looking up a quote a couple weeks back: bash-org-archive.com
Yeah. RIP bash.org, where introverted people could read chat logs of other like-minded introverts. And I don’t even /s this, I genuinely miss this stuff…
at least you can still read the archive
Reminds me of the meme of someone making a website with AI and then said to a bro his programming days were over.
And then proceeds to send the localhost address to the guy.
It wasn’t even a localhost address, it was a file:// URL if I remember correctly.