Hello :)
I started going to the gym 6 months ago and started off like most beginners with a fullbody 3x a week plan. After two months I scrapped that because I still had too much energy and never felt exhausted, even 2 hours of full body and started Upper, Lower split so I can go 4 times a week.
Did that another month and added on my off days cardio sessions cause I still wasn’t exhausted so I started going 5 days, sometimes 6 days.
Either way, since a few weeks I am going everyday of the week but with a Push Pull Legs every morning and added cardio sessions to late evening.
So my current plan I am running since two month is Push (morning), Cardio afternoon (1hour) Pull (morning), Cardio afternoon (1,5 hours) Leg (morning), Cardio afternoon (30 minutes) Repeat
Sunday is rest day kind of because I climb (indoor boulder) on that day
My issue I am facing is though that I don’t have enough strength for Triceps/ Biceps after Push Pull exercises.
Would it be good to change my routine to this: Monday: Push Biceps, later afternoon cardio Tuesday: Cardio Wednesday: Pull, Triceps (Biceps and Triceps should be regenerated duo to rest day on tuesday) Thursday: Legs and Shoulders with Abs Friday: Cardio
Repeat on cycle at Saturday. It seems like I could do Push Biceps on Saturday again, cause I had thursday and friday my rest days (Legs, Shoulders, Cardio only.
What do you guys think? Having good results sofar but not at triceps and biceps though. Lost a lot of weight, look leaner and general am fitter.
I could go more often but I think 7 days is enough. In general time isn’t an issue cause I work nightshifts and basically have every day time to visit the gym. My problem is really getting the perfect routine so I can train my biceps and triceps harder. It feels wrong doing Biceps after Pull exercises since my Triceps has so much energy instead.
But it won’t work to do Push Biceps and the next day Pull Triceps cause I need my biceps for Pull exercises. Ultimatly it seems like I am forced to add a cardio or leg day between Push Biceps/ Pull Triceps days if I do that.
So if anyone has 24/7 time for gym, what would be the best routine for me? I could also go for something like 1) Push Biceps 2) Legs Shoulders Abs 3) Pull Triceps 4) Cardio 5) Upper Body 6) Lower Body 7) Cardio and just use the compound movements of push, pull, leg for upper/ lower body days.
I just dislike upper lower body splits cause I have to fit in 10 exercises that day and by exercise 7 I’m actually dead. So I’d really like to stick to Push Pull Legs but somehow fix Biceps/ Triceps lacking
This is genuinely something that LLMs like chat gpt are pretty good at. You clearly know a lot about fitness, have some very specific issues/complaints, and already have a good starting place. I recently used it to help put together a set of exercises that are balanced and help target my specific goals (mainly to support running).
It’s not perfect, but you should be able to get some decent suggestions.