Thought I’d ask this because I want to discover more foods from across the world

(Also I shouldn’t have to say this to americans, please state where you are from and state where you are from without acronyms or shortened names because I’ve seen US Defaultism on lemmy and not all of us are going to know your acronyms considering we’re global users)

    3 days ago

    Pork butt roast and sauerkraut. It’s a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch recipe meant to bring good luck and fortune to the household on New Years. You simply season a pork butt with salt and pepper and put it in the slow cooker with a large container of saurkraut and cook on low til it shreds. Served with mashed potatoes, peas, and pork gravy. Guaranteed to give you a food coma.

    For appetizers, I love beet-pickled eggs. It’s essential to pickle them for 24+ hours to ensure the pink fully penetrates the egg white.