Okay scientists, is this for real? Would leaving leaves out help with the fireflies, because they really are rare.
Yeah, leaving leaf coverage is great for all kinds of larvae. Leaving them alone also slows weeds from growing and as the leaves break down they fertilize the soil.
The modern problem is that there are not enough critters roaming around to naturally step on foliage to break them down.
Send the kids to play outside, easy
Same for ladybird beetles (ladybugs)! They love undisturbed autumn leaves and are natural pest control, so you should give them any opportunity possible to over-winter their eggs in your yard :)
Who knew that by being lazy with yard work, I was doing the right thing all along. I do see fireflies out back during the summer. I thought it was just that we live fairly close to the edge of town.
Nature is best cared for by leaving it the fuck alone.
Other than the forest fire prevention that native Americans used to perform, I would agree.
The sprays really kill them. The fireflies will not cross into my neighbors’ lawns, where they treat their grass.