After spending ten minutes on the toilet pondering, I think „growing facial hair“ is the best counter-example I can come up with.
Or I just don‘t know enough women who like growing facial hair.
I think you have to expand to a wider topic. I and many other women really appreciate and like beards.
Yeah, but the question isn’t whether you like beards, it’s whether you like growing your own beard, respect the game.
I sent this post to my friend. His response:
My absolute favourite thing is women doing things that “only men do.”
(P.S. am a woman)
I do like me some role reversal 😏
That emoji disturbs me.
Define only men like
Are we talking hobby scope or like alpha extroverted abusively insecure narcissistic misogynists with very small penis… rulehaving a small penis doesn’t make anyone a bad person, all your other terms are fair and objectively bad, but how do you bot realize you are potentially hurting perfectly decent people with the last one? I know its a widespread practice and that and I am not really mad about it, but it still amazes me how the insult is still used. If someone is an abusive, narcissistic misogynist then that’s bad enough, don’t gotta go there.
Think about your harmless bros with insecurity issues over this thing that doesn’t make them a lesser person.
End rant, again not mad at you just a thought.
Is there literally anything only men like?
There are male biased things, ie. gaming, woodworking, wingsuiting, cimbing etc.
but are there any things literally only males like?
Well, Joe Rogan
Nope. Even Fortran programers hate that vile language.
Look, idk about you, but if you haven’t played soldiers and tanks with a bunch of grown ass men, get yourself to a WH40k group and learn what cool is.
I refuse to believe that there are no women who enjoy Warhammer 40k.
But my trainsssss
there’s girls who like trains, i’ve met them! reckon sometimes they’re less vocal bc mansplaining is upsettingly common in any male dominated hobby :/
Hi, I am the girl who likes trains :3
The only people I know who are trained blacksmiths (all two of them) are both women