this one is actually one of my favorite memes. It’s up there with the “oh youre into pronouns? how about you let me she/them titties” Mario voice acted one
Not trying to be rude, just curious where she/they comes from? I would like to know what it means. The other ones I know but this one is lost on me.
Transfem enby here - the way it works for me (can’t speak for anyone else) is essentially as two valid options. Some of my friends alternate, some stick with one, but if you’re going to pick just one then those are the correct options. Can’t guarantee it’ll be the same for others with multiple valid pronouns but most will be happy to explain if you ask. Personally I list them from most to least preferred but they’re both right so as long as it’s one of those I don’t care that much
I do the same. I guess it’d make more sense to write she/her/they/them but that’s long and everybody recognizes that the single slash represents pronouns so more looks weird.