I realize this is a really silly request, but I absolutely refuse to watch YouTube videos without a proxy frontend let alone logging into a google account.
I’ve been wanting to watch dnsl’s “Fallout RP is serious business” but it’s age restricted.
Does anybody know either of a way to bypass the age restriction or can just send me the video? I’ve tried everything I know short of giving in and signing into YouTube.
yt-dlp might do the trick.
First thing I tried but I think you need to provide it with your YouTube login cookie to download age restricted content.
That sucks, i thought i had used it before to get some music videos.
I think newPipe has an age restriction toggle in its settings, its available on android, not sure about ios, pretty sure not available on desktops.
Its been a while since ive needed to do this.
Newpipe fails too:/ (as well as the greasemoneky script I use on my browser)
Why does youtube suck so much? only a few years ago it was so much easier to access from anything. And now it’s way more restricted
I think You know the
and so do I.
Yeah consider this being rickrolled:)
But yeah, it’s probably capitalism and whatever adjacent to it