Not true, Khajiit have many tales. M’aiq once knew an apothecary, he had three legs and a limp. Maybe it was two. He said to this one, “Everybody lies”. Even domiciles hold wisdom.
Just a cat wandering about Tamriel.
Not true, Khajiit have many tales. M’aiq once knew an apothecary, he had three legs and a limp. Maybe it was two. He said to this one, “Everybody lies”. Even domiciles hold wisdom.
In political science, a constitutional crisis is a problem or conflict in the function of a government that the political constitution or other fundamental governing law is perceived to be unable to resolve. There are several variations to this definition. For instance, one describes it as the crisis that arises out of the failure, or at least a strong risk of failure, of a constitution to perform its central functions.[1] The crisis may arise from a variety of possible causes. For example, a government may want to pass a law contrary to its constitution; the constitution may fail to provide a clear answer for a specific situation; the constitution may be clear, but it may be politically infeasible to follow it; the government institutions themselves may falter or fail to live up to what the law prescribes them to be; or officials in the government may justify avoiding dealing with a serious problem based on narrow interpretations of the law.[2][3] Specific examples include the South African Coloured vote constitutional crisis in the 1950s, the secession of the southern U.S. states in 1860 and 1861, the dismissal of the Australian federal government in 1975 and the 2007 Ukrainian crisis. While the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland does not have a codified constitution, it is deemed to have an uncodified one, and issues and crises in the UK and its constituent countries are described as constitutional crises.
Constitutional crises may arise from conflicts between different branches of government, conflicts between central and local governments, or simply conflicts among various factions within society. In the course of government, the crisis results when one or more of the parties to a political dispute willfully chooses to violate a law of the constitution or to flout an unwritten constitutional convention; or to dispute the correct, legal interpretation of the violated constitutional law or of the flouted political custom. This was demonstrated by the XYZ Affair, which involved the bribery of French officials by a contingent of American commissioners who were sent to preserve peace between France and the United States.[4] The incident was published in the American press and created a foreign policy crisis, which precipitated the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Opposition to these acts in the form of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions cited that they violated freedom of speech and exhorted states to refuse their enforcement since they violated the Constitution.[4]
When a crisis arises because the constitution is legally ambiguous, the ultimate resolution usually establishes the legal precedent to resolve future crises of constitutional administration. Such was the case in the United States presidential succession of John Tyler, which established that a successor to the presidency assumes the office without any limitation. Politically, a constitutional crisis can lead to administrative paralysis and eventual collapse of the government, the loss of political legitimacy, or to civil war. A constitutional crisis is distinct from a rebellion, which occurs when political factions outside a government challenge the government’s sovereignty, as in a coup d’état or a revolution led by the military or by civilians.
Khajiit avoids veterinarians over fear one may wake without his two furry friends.
This one knows many things. You may find moonsugar Elsweyr.
In the northern hemisphere the the hardcore drugs usually come from the south.
Also owned by PG&E.
Is it economically viable to destroy the ecosystems while being heavily governmentally subsisted by the people? Is good healthy economic policies drafted by the people or by the corporations our government fails to regulate?
Does OPEC or any oil single oil company have our economy as its interest or does it have an interest in maximizing its profit at any cost? Is that a good economic model?
If you had argued that it wont happen because oil companies own our government I would agree with you. I would argue that destroying our dependence on oil is not only very economically sound but imperative.
That was the last time all of humanity came together for the common good. We need to do this for oil.
There isn’t a functioning part of our government that the regressives wont destroy for private profit.
They have ran on “we’re not insert fascist here
!” since Hilary. They don’t want another Obama and they are scared as hell of another Bernie.
DNC is a business masquerading as a political party at this point. It’s not that they haven’t learned it’s that they are corrupt and don’t give a fuck about anything besides keeping the gravy train going through donations when they aren’t in power and feigning representation whilst feeding the same monsters as the republicans when the do have power. They are betting that if things get bad enough as they always do people will come crawling back to put the next right winger dem in charge. Ever lunging to the right lock step behind the republicans.
I don’t see myself ever voting for another dem that’s not left of Bernie and the DNC will never bring that kind of candidate.
There is no choice but to form a new party at this point.
I’ve noticed that conservatives cant feel empathy. They only feel sympathy. This is why they don’t understand any injustice until if effects them personally. This is the root psychological reasoning behind the leopards eating faces memes.
Somehow Agent Krasnov proves once again how fucking useful an idiot can be to russia.
US isolationism is the plan, hurt the citizenry economically, join russia in open war against its old allies before his third term. Using wartime to extend his regency and power.
That sucks, i thought i had used it before to get some music videos.
I think newPipe has an age restriction toggle in its settings, its available on android, not sure about ios, pretty sure not available on desktops.
Its been a while since ive needed to do this.
yt-dlp might do the trick.
Somebody else’s list.