Just look up Foxconn in Wisconsin if you want a preview of what’s to come.
Or TSMC 4nm fab in Arizona, a complete failure obviously.
Foxconn was very different than TSMC in AZ. I have problems with the fab but saying it is a failure is hopefully sarcasm. Fuck Trump though. https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/semiconductors/tsmcs-arizona-fab-21-is-already-making-4nm-chips-yield-and-quality-reportedly-on-par-with-taiwan-fabs
Foxconn mostly abandons $10 billion Wisconsin project touted by Trump
Published Wed, Apr 21 2021 5:46 AM EDT | Updated Tue, Sep 13 2022 7:00 PM EDTHuh, I wonder why this sounds so familiar.
Went down the hole, part of it soon to become a Microsoft data center. Makes sense when you have access to a shit ton of fresh water.