I realised that those who censor themselves on the Internet, grew up on the Internet when YouTube started demonitising profanities and thus picked up the habit.
I sorta remember it being bought but I can’t say I actually recall what it was like pre-google. We had dialup at the time, and just the one family computer, so I didn’t really watch a lot of videos
I realised that those who censor themselves on the Internet, grew up on the Internet when YouTube started demonitising profanities and thus picked up the habit.
We are getting old.
youtube was good before googol bought it, now it is crap.
Daily dose of getting old: that buyout was like 20 years ago
The buyout was less than a year into it existing
Very few actually remember pre-google youtube
I sorta remember it being bought but I can’t say I actually recall what it was like pre-google. We had dialup at the time, and just the one family computer, so I didn’t really watch a lot of videos