His ‘we’ll wait until he gets to a 40% approval rating’ comment speaks worlds to me.
I think the problem right now is a lot of democrats (and non-MAGA republicans) are still acting like this is business as usual. And don’t fully recognize that this is an assault on democracy.
We need leaders. Not politicians.
Dems have been captured by zionists, of which Schumer is a pretty bad one. Listen to his AIPAC speech proclaiming there wont be peace with Palestinians because the Torah promised jews the land.
Its the far right zionists that are destroying our government, who overwhelmingly prefer Trump to Biden/Harris, and who brag at home about being friends with Putin and controlling the US.
I can’t belief this antisemitic bullshit is upvoted on lemmy. This is literally the age old conspiracy that jews are secretly controlling the government. And miss me with that “ZiOniSt” dogwhistle, we all know who you really hate. Disgusting, really.
Zionists are far more likely to be evangelical death cultists than Jewish people know their holy book says their god took away their homeland because they displeased him.
we all know who you really hate
Yep, I hate oppressors. And the colonialist kind are among the worst.
Are you not watching what’s happening? At all? Its hard to like a nation state that is unapologetically genociding a much smaller people. Its okay to have shifting opinions. You aren’t a monolith.
Shut the fuck up and fuck off, nobody’s falling for you shit here
Antisemitism? Schumer says there will not be peace because the Palestinians didnt beleive the torah’s words that the land belong to jews. He made a direct linkage between violence and being a member of his religion. No one did that to him, he did it.
Watch the video, its not long. https://lemmy.world/post/27335945?scrollToComments=true
So can you help me understand how letting a group of people commit war crimes so they can steal land from its owners in the name of religion is somehow a good thing? Why should any of us care about your accusation of antisemitism?
Nice strawman. The antisemitism is suggesting that jewish people are secretly controlling the government and using a nazi dogwhistle like “zionism tho” doesn’t help.
Its absolutely not a strawman. You just dont want to address what Schumer said because its evil and antiamerican. Anti-humanity really.
As to your other claim that I am resurrecting a trope, Schumer and Biden are ardent zionists, thats 2 of the 3 leadership roles at the head of government, that and the way AIPAC donations steers how congress votes are well established facts. Hate that and spew accusations all you want, thats just plain true.
so you’re shilling for violence, bud. That make you feel powerful?
The ADL and AIPAC both separately got caught spying on America and American citizens for Israel (or Apartheid South Africa on behalf of Israel)
And yet they still exist and don’t have to be registered foreign agents.
Why is that, do you think?
The antisemites really coming out of the woodworks today, yikes. Well, another one for the block list.
I think the problem right now is a lot of democrats (and non-MAGA republicans) are still acting like this is business as usual.
So are a lot of voters. If I had a nickel for every comment on Lemmy alone from people who still think that existing laws and norms are even going to slightly slow Trump down or protect them, my unborn grandchildren would never have to work a day in their lives. People still flatly refuse to understand that (a) Trump does not care, (b) our judicial branch of government does not have an actual enforcement mechanism, (c ) Those who would normally be empowered to enforce the law are either on Trump’s side, have been purged, or have decided to roll over and play dead, and (d) our elected officials from both parties have literally rolled over and played dead as well at literally every opportunity as soon as they run into the slightest whiff of pressure.
Our entire system of government was built upon what was little more than a glorified gentleman’s agreement that everybody would stay within the spirit of the rules, and because of that, virtually no consequences were baked into the system for those who refused to honor that gentleman’s agreement. Our founding fathers believed that our future leaders would abide by that gentleman’s agreement forever and ever and ever amen, so there was no need for consequences. If anything, we should consider ourselves lucky that it took 250 years before someone came along and realized that the consequences for taking a giant shit on that agreement were a whole hell of a lot of nothing, and acted accordingly.
We are already at a point where the only change is going to come through violence. And given the amount of capitulation I’ve seen from our elected leaders, I’m not sure even that is going to work any more. Our elected leaders are obviously not going to offer resistance, and any attempt at citizen organization is just going to lead to the organizers being labelled as a “violent gang” and being disappeared straight to El Salvador long before their organization can achieve anything even resembling critical mass.
One more lawsuit true time bro, it’s all we need. One more lawsuit and we stop facism, for real bro. We’ll slam them.
Are you even a real activist?
How many times have you sent the Bee Movie script today?
Bah. It sounded so coherent until the adverbs ran out.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Democratic party is broken beyond fixing. They’re corpo sellouts and will sabotage progressive agendas at every turn while pretending to support the working class. That is quite literally how Trump won both times. And the only reason he didn’t win in 2020 was because his Covid fumbles were still fresh in the voters’ memories; not because Biden was a good candidate.
Progressive leaders like AOC and Bernie need to cut all ties with the DNC and start their own party.
I’m inclined to agree at this point. I held out hope that progressive would be able to make them slowly change but after this debacle, I’m all for a separate party that will caucus them, even if it results in a short term set backs in primaries.
This is all true, but unless ranked choice and paper ballots are used in a lot of states, which will never happen, then all this will become is a money making party to run failed elections.
USA federal politics is broken. Full stop. It cannot be resurrected. Democracy exists in some states but not others, and the Democratic Party rules in the states which are not lost causes.
One cannot run a federal government with many of the red states having their own cabals of mini authoritarian arseholes. Those red states and many of the purple states are lost causes
It’s a sunk cost. The DNC needed to deliver a 2024 win to prove they were worth all the compromise we’ve tolerated year after year. Abortion isn’t even a national issue any more and they still couldn’t pull one out. It’s a sink cost.
That’s because he’s smug and out of touch.
The White House strategy here is to move so fast that by the time the courts and or public opinion catches up with them the deeds are done and cannot be undone. That’s a very plausible strategy and they’re continuing to execute it.
So firebomb all the ***** dealerships first, figure out the rest later. Got it. Okay everyone you heard the random internet person! Every Saturday night, all **** dealerships and/or lots are going up okay? Great. Make sure to leave your phones at home!
But thousands of others did? Yeah, you’re done dude. GTFO