There is no genocide in Gaza. Listen to the Party.
PACs were a mistake and do was CU.
There is no genocide in Gaza. Listen to the Party.
PACs were a mistake and do was CU.
Hey, rest of the Democratic world, there are a whole bunch of ex feds right now needing funds and direction for their anger. Maybe you should tap into them if you need someone to rid you of this meddlesome Chancellor.
Project2025 already plans for jamming the courts with useless cases to distract them while the president and DOGE strips the government like a McLaren in the wrong part of town. This is not your usual government doing shit we oppose. This is a coup in plain sight. You better start treating DOGE and the MAGAts like enemy combatants. Because its how they see you.
No, we as the third pillar of democracy are actually expected to use the second amendment right now. Four Gen Z script kiddies and an unelected foreign actor with a fridge body should not be having this easy a time hacking our government to pieces.
Its out now. I’m talking about taking advantage of this toilet bowl before the last flush. We never got rid of Citizens United. We never controlled these corporations. As a people, we were content until just about this point as a whole. Unless everyone marches to DC. The tech bros are getting their little kingdoms.
And what? Bang your head against the shield? Get people on the streets of DC
Lmao its like the same dumb ass rules in my IT role. “You gotta get approval for purchases over 200 dollars”, so every purchase pretty much? Its meant to slow down the agency. Funny, how the first and only one so far we’ve seen have these rules is the agency that protects our planet. They will choke you for a buck.
It’d be a lot different if they were making moves to get as many as those 300k to the capital as possible. Its much harder to ignore when the protesting and striking is on your front lawn.
These companies will never come back.
I mean shes not wrong, but imagine I use this to do my bullshit day job so I can work on what I really want to. I would totally use this to get some rube to pay me for a job while I GameDev or something. Or at least some excel sheet monkey could probably do that I know these can’t do my job.
Missed opportunity for the green area to say “Yes, you can”
I think I’d rather have actual idiocracy, because at least the president wanted to do well
Oh please, we trounced those noobs with just the unsharpened rocks.
Yeah, it feels like it.
All these recently and illegally fired people should get together, join a movement, help protestors
And armed resistance has become necessary as the First Amendment is dead in the water, LGBTQ identities are erased, gay marriage bans are being talked of, and our government is aligning with fucking Russia, THE textbook corrupt government example. So yeah, how ya feelin’?
Anonymity in this age is a gift of the divine. Do not squander it.
Nazi punks fuck off
Fucken idiot
Reminds me of GameRanger. We didnt know those were the halcyon days.