And more than that not have a different group of upper class later. As had happened always.
I’d rather not go through the churn if no real difference a few years later
And more than that not have a different group of upper class later. As had happened always.
I’d rather not go through the churn if no real difference a few years later
Which is why liberalism in a not so democratic country can do little to stop this type of decline. Too non violent, too careful, too scared
Ideally one would vote out authoritarian candidates, but what to do when it’s a taboo to criticize electronic vote counting? Vote counting on electronic platforms run by the very people the liberals oppose? Vote counting supported by a steadfast belief of state governments not being corrupted, and not being in cahoots with the wealthy families running said platforms?
“There are safeguards”, ”I trust in the process”
Then when voting fails what to do but use free speech to oppose what is happening?
“Surely they will allow my voice to rise and be heard and I can use reason”
Yes people will hear you but it won’t do much.
True meritocracy had never been implemented in any human society larger than a small village.
It had been partially implemented in several places/times
What we have today is a partially implemented one in middle management, technocrats and engineers.
Where out of touch upper management and owners are the rule. But if I look at any successful company I will find the tech and middle management running it day to day
I started in world, realized I was not a good fit, and transferred my first few months.
World is great for some. Many coming from Reddit will feel comfortable. Especially USA middle class liberals who do not vary their news and don’t think too hard about certain things
The price is now too low
You say that like it’s a bad thing. It’s not, because throughout history in the face of bad governance, when normal measures fail. People are expected to make a scene
snopes does not have that in their search results
Last year I read about the Galveston hurricane at beginning of last century , a lot of people died because the weather service was not allowed to talk to forecasters in Cuba.
Just saying
When I worked with customers I found having a slightly unpleasant look, while working hard, propelled me into stock. They had to be very desperate to use me at the front.
My secret power was sucking up to management though. A combination of unfriendliness to some and subservience to others is hard to do for many
Yea I thought of that and have no real answer. But should that be solved, without advertising income, it would change everything
The Enola Gay is still mildly radioactive, so I can’t help but think “Hot gays in your area ready to bang”
Actions which inspire matter; even in a corrupt system like this. This was the first time I was inspired by a democrat in a while.
Sanders always inspires, so does not count; and if others are doing stuff it goes unnoticed in my feeds.
So Green did something important, noticed by people, breaking up the ebb and flow of hopelessness
said Christians were having to choice between their Churches and Trump
it’s an easy way for believers to see and avoid the unholy temples now worshipping the ungodly
If Linux can be developed, then a public fork run the same way for browser can too. It’s possible just no interest yet.
Not yet another protocol invading me brain!?? For all I know the different pattern of signal does things to my delicate nets.
I already had to contend with the fridge and garage door
Layers of socks, warm and comfy
It’s early days; very easy to assume things will remain mostly the same but with higher prices, and supply issues. Maybe the odd disease?
I don’t think many people understand how the USA works, and keeps itself together, I don’t. Obviously there is inertia that going to keep things more or less stable.
But if a system is stressed and then something else happens, totally out of left field, history is just filled to the brim of unlucky coincidences affecting large swathes of peoples
One of the reasons I hate to get on social media is pictures of people flaunting their wealth.
The bad part is four things:
But they are not that simple, I remember reading that long ago people wrote they were amazed about how they were built, especially the portable ones